Using your health insurance can be tricky in almost any case. What sort of coverage do you have, does your doctor accept your insurance, what is your co-pay, what is your co-insurance, your deductible? The way we help to cut through a lot of these questions is to accept as many insurance plans as possible and to make your side of payments a breeze.
We send out billing statements on the day of treatment so there are no surprises at the end of the month and give you the ability to pay online. No worrying about having an outstanding balance on the next visit, you can log in to your account with us any time to see what portion your insurance has covered and what amount is your responsibility.
Sometimes insurances can be tricky to work with. Especially in the current environment created by Covid. Many businesses are short-staffed and hard to get in touch with. Insurance companies are not immune to this. We have received letters from certain companies informing us of this and that some claims, even simple ones, will have extended turn-around times. But rest assured, even if we have a hard time getting payment from your insurer, we will never place their portion of the payment on you.
Photo by Ylanite Koppens on
As far as which insurances are accepted at our clinic, the list is lengthy: MODA, Providence, BCBS, Aetna, Pacific Source, United HC, Cigna, Kaiser Permanente, ChiroHealthUSA, Medicare, and any auto insurance or workers comp insurance. We also have no-nonsense cash rates. So regardless of what amount of coverage or whether you have any insurance at all, we are ready to work with you to get you back to doing what you love. Get started with us today.