Chiropractic may mean something different to me than to other doctors or patients. After all, I have my own experiences and insights as we all do. What I find the most direct answer is: chiropractic seeks to identify problems in the body and remove their cause.
Now, if that seems broad, it’s because the number of things that can go wrong with the body is pretty broad. Most commonly in the office, I am working on joint. You have probably woken up with a stiff neck after sleeping in an awkward position or a new pillow before. In that case and more severe ones, I would use various therapies to relax irritated muscles and then increase the normal motion of the joint so that the neck can move without stiffness and restriction.
Take that same idea and apply it to any joint in the body, from the ankles to the low back, to the wrists. Everywhere you look at the body you find organs and tissues that rely on bones and joints for support. For example, the wrists are home to many nerves and blood vessels that are protected and guided by the many bones of the wrist. If there is enough irritation in the joints of the wrist, the carpal tunnel can receive pressure from that inflammation and result in Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome, cervicogenic headache and thoracic outlet syndrome are other examples of instances where injury to the nerves, blood vessels or organs can be due to musculoskeletal origins. A Chiropractor’s job is to determine if the symptoms match a musculoskeletal origin. If they do, then the cure can be a simple course of care in correcting and preventing the issue in the joints.
If you have experienced anything that sounds like the syndromes described above, or any other sort of weird, inappropriate pain, get in touch with us or find a place on the schedule. We always offer a free consultation to determine if your issue is something we can confidently care for. You don’t need to put up with pain or jump straight to more invasive things like surgery when the solution can be as simple as a few visits.